MPower – Unlocking Solar Energy For Africa; Be part of the energy revolution

MPower – Unlocking Solar Energy For Africa; Be part of the energy revolution

In Switzerland, we often overlook the luxuries we enjoy. Have you ever stopped to consider the ease with which we work on our laptops, charge our mobile phones, print documents, or simply flick a switch to illuminate a room? These conveniences are so seamlessly integrated into our lives that we hardly give them a second thought. But pause for a moment and imagine life without them. Picture a reality without electricity, where the simplest tasks become repeated challenges. For many Africans, this is not a hypothetical scenario but a daily struggle. With power outages lasting up to ten hours each day, hardworking citizens must navigate the demands of work, business, and family life in an environment where reliable electricity is a scarce commodity.

Register now for the pre-sale and buy shares before everyone else.
Launching soon
  • Impact
    Over 100,000 people already feel our reach
  • Community
    > 20 partners in Zambia, Cameroon, Togo, Ghana and Namibia
  • Finance
    Closed 4m debt facility from the TDB
  • Kick-start
    Techn. Fund, South Pole, SECO Start-UP Fund and responsAbility
  • Market Entry
    August 2018 (first market - Zambia)
  • Team
    52 Members spread throughout Africa

The Pitch

Power cuts and no access to the electricity grid are a problem for many people and entrepreneurs in Africa. This is the reality for over 600 million people on the African continent that include men, women and children from all walks of life. However, the cost of solar power and the cost of lithium battery cells have fallen dramatically in recent years. In addition, Sub-Saharan countries in particular are among the fastest growing economies in the world. This represents a huge opportunity and a decentralised energy revolution is imminent in Africa! This is by no means about development aid, but about genuine sustainable and scalable business models in a rapidly growing market!

MPower Ventures recognised the economic viability and growth potential in Africa early on and is convinced of its future potential. MPower stands for sustainability, scalability, impact and feasibility and empowers individuals, businesses and organisations to move away from their dependence on national power grids and diesel power generators. Become part of this revolution and invest in MPower, a start-up that combines profit and impact to build a profitable sustainable business. ☀️🤸🏿