Fund your company through people who love your business idea.

Whether you are a start-up or an established SME, OOMNIUM supports your company’s growth financing through the people who know it best and are closest to you: employees, customers, the community, and anyone who wants to be a part of it.

Who can start financing through OOMNIUM?

The prerequisites for an equity crowdfunding campaign are:

  • Legal organization as a stock corporation (AG) based in Switzerland (If you are not currently organized as an AG, we are happy to help you convert to one.)
  • Minimum of one year of operational activity and revenue
  • Community-based business model
  • Social impact

Equity crowdfunding in five steps

  1. Get in touch with us for a professional consultation about your specific project. 
  2. Prepare your capital increase and campaign with our assistance.
  3. Activate your network and share your story.
  4. Together, we'll drum up attention and awareness.
  5. Welcome your new shareholders after the campaign ends.

The process in detail

In interactive workshops, we present, discuss, and collaboratively develop the foundation for your crowd-investing campaign.

Your benefits with OOMNIUM:

  • Use our expertise. Initiated by wemakeit, we bring over 10 years of experience in crowdfunding, campaigning, plus community building and management to the table.
  • We accompany you on your journey. During regular workshops and coordination meetings, we develop your story and assist you in planning your campaign, ensuring a powerful launch.
  • Together, we expand your community beyond your existing network and help you gain more reach and visibility.

Start your equity crowdfunding campaign now

Fill out our inquiry form and tell us more about your growth plans. We are happy to discuss your options and help you make the right decisions. We can’t wait to hear from you!