Targeted habitat support for wild bees: A response for more biodiversity.
A gaming platform that sets new standards for interaction. Developed by a Swiss tech team.
Initiated by Swiss MTB legend Claudio Caluori, the VORLD app brings the bike community together thanks to technology and passion; the ideal prerequisites for a successful business case.
An intelligent app drastically simplifies the direct sale of food and enables small grocery shops to operate profitably. This ground-breaking technology is already successfully promoting local consumption in French-speaking Switzerland - now the model is ready for national growth!
Werde Miteigentümer*in vom Schweizer Travel-Tech Start-up, welches mit einem innovativen Konzept auf die heutigen Bedürfnisse von Wohnmobilreisenden antwortet: Unabhängigkeit, Spontanität und Sicherheit.
Selbstverständlich vegan und ohne Zusatzstoffe – werde Mitinhaber*in und sichere dir deine Aktien am neuen veganen Glacé-Brand.
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