A trio of female founders has already very successfully tapped into a new market segment with their start-up and is continuing to grow; a drink developed for great company, little hangouts and big adventures.
Fine fragrances can transcend boundaries and connect us. Thomas De Monaco’s team creates olfactory masterpieces in the Zurich manufacture that bring emotions to life. Become part of an independent luxury brand.
Join the boxing inspired fitness movement and become part of the expansion all over the world. From Zurich to Dubai, Berlin and Copenhagen - and many more to come!
Selbstverständlich vegan und ohne Zusatzstoffe – werde Mitinhaber*in und sichere dir deine Aktien am neuen veganen Glacé-Brand.
Join us by investing in Bakery Bakery! Together, we are shaping the future of the sustainable bakery industry. Become a part of it! #gipfeligang
Investiere in eine chancengerechte und nachhaltigere Finanzwelt. Gestalte mit und sichere dir jetzt deine Anteile der limitierten elleXX Aktien.